The question with which the liturgical year confronts us is a direct one: what does the life of Jesus now mean to us?--Joan Chittister
On November 29th, the Christian church begins again a new year where we together travel through the rhythms and seasons that direct us to the life and death of Jesus. With the arrival of Advent, we begin that part of the journey to explore what Jesus means to us now with the experiencing of waiting. We wait with the prophets and dreamers of old for God to do God's new thing. We wait for this Christmas, when Jesus, God-in-the-flesh comes into the world as a vulnerable infant. We wait with early and present church for Jesus to come again to make all things new. What does it mean to wait?
During Advent at St. Michael's, we will gather for Wednesday evening prayer at 7PM on December 2, 9, 16. We will sing Holden Evening Prayer, which includes the Magnificat (Mary's Song).

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